Kim Tullis


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Social Distancing….

We are now about 13 days into quarantine, each of us on our own. Bill is in Canmore, Alberta and I am in Park City, Utah. We pulled Sol Seeker out of the water earlier than we had planned and quickly put her to bed.

We then jumped in the van and headed north. We only saw one license plate that was not Mexican, usually there are a lot of motorhomes and cars heading home this time of year. As a result, we were able to make good time and made it to Gonzaga Bay the first night.

We pretty much had the whole beach to ourselves, a little spooky. The next day we crossed the border at Yuma after about a 15 minute wait. Not typical, believe me. We made it to a Smith’s parking lot in Bullhead City were we camped with several others heading home. Carefully spaced apart.

We were back in Park City by mid-day on the third day. Fastest trip we have made to or from Mexico. Welcome to winter!

When we first heard about the Coronavirus and the term ‘social-distancing’ we decided to social distance ourselves and go out on the boat and hang in some bays for awhile and see how this was all going to play out. We stayed a few nights in Ballandra, Juanico, and the south side of Isla Corondos. We had some very beautiful and peaceful days pretty much by ourselves.

San Juanico

When we returned to the marina, there was a lot more talk and concern. We did do some social distancing at our Circle of Knowledge and actually started to become more concerned.

First attempts at Social distancing
Tried things on hand to prevent passing the virus

After talking to our kids, who were much more concerned than we were at that point, we made plans to head north.

Before our world changed, however, we were quite social with no distancing…

New Year’s Day celebration on the dock!
Dinner with Brenda, Robert, Dennis and Donna in Loreto Bay
We also tried feeding the Hummingbirds!
Another Dock Party, thanks to David and Carol Ann for organizing these!
Pizza dinner with our great guests, Marie and Randy from Calgary

Marie and Bill used to work together. We had a great visit with them, taking them out on the boat and visiting Loreto sites.

Celebrating Diane’s 70th birthday in Santispac.

We spent two different weekends in Santispac. We were really glad to have the van so it only took 2 hours to drive up rather than 2 days to sail.

I also took part in an Art Show, selling my baskets, while in Santispac.

We helped Brenda and Robert celebrate their 50th Anniversary..

Thank you to Pepeginas for the beautiful cake!!!

We also had our annual visit from Darren and Adam, Aron, and Alexander. they are becoming good little sailors, or boat kids.

We didn’t get to sail as much as we like, we tended to motor more. Partly because of the damage to our forestay (which still may need to be remedied) and weather. Bill and I are lucky, that no matter the weather or waves, we don’t tend to get sea sick but poor Russo does. He is not a happy sailor if it is bumpy. We have found if we wrap him in a blanket and hold him, he does better.

Boy, is he a happy camper when we are on shore and he runs into things like these goats, whom he desperately wanted to herd.

As strange as this year is turning out to be, Bill and I ended 2019 with a delightful dinner at Tripui, which is the motel down the road from the marina. We had the whole restaurant to ourselves because we like to eat early and were there before the reservations started.

It’s a Small World After All…..On our drive down to Mexico, we stopped in Guerrero Negro for lunch. In walked a couple, who looked a little lost so we invited them to sit with us. Turns out, Tim, was from Vulcan, Alberta just like Bill and they knew many of the same people. It also turned out that Susan and Tim were going to be staying at a condo at the same marina that we stay at when in La Paz. So we reconnected in La Paz and they invited us to dinner. We hope to see them back in Vulcan this summer (if I can get into Canada).

Fresh tuna caught by Tim

Well, time to run as I have a Zoom date with my 5 year-old granddaughter, Kennedy, to play Guess Who. I wonder if there will be more sailing next year or if this is the new norm. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Please stay that way!

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