Kim Tullis


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Adios Season 4…

As we pull Sol Seeker out of the water, the realization that we have just completed our 4th season of sailing is beginning to hit. 

We have experienced so much, discovered new things, met so many new people, and strengthened many friendships.  Learning our new boat has been the top priority and time consumer but we have also had some grand times like….Searching for sunken boats,

discovering bays from the kayak,

sharing happy hours and birthdays with good friends,

unclogging the head, (that was a fun job!)

and watching new friends enjoy the water as well.  Fabulous, is all I can say.

We have also seen some spectacular sites,

and discovered new things, like a farm in San Juanico, where we were able to get a bag full of fresh vegetables for 50 pesos! ($2.50)

All I can say is that, just like the 3 previous years, it has been a different year but an unforgettable season and as we drive north, we laugh at all the fun times we have had.  But, the adventure we find, is not quite over.  We decided to stop in Lake Havasu and visit a great friend, Karen.  She, being the great hostess that she is, arranged an afternoon kayaking under the London Bridge and an early morning walk around the island.

What a great way to unwind because once we hit Park City, we found winter wasn’t quite over!

While Bill continued north to Canmore, Alberta, I decided to enjoy the last week of skiing at Park City Mountain Resort.

I’ll let the sign speak for itself!

Now we wait for spring to bloom and new adventures!

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